Meaning and definition ASTM

The term ASTM is often mentioned in the valves and fittings industry as well as in tank construction. In the industrial sector, this term is usually associated with material designations, but what does ASTM stand for and what is it all about?

  • ASTM stands for "American Society for Testing and Materials".
  • The organisation was founded in 1898 and has its headquarters in West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania, USA.
  • ASTM is an international standards organisation that develops norms and standards for various products and materials in different fields.
  • The number of norms and standards developed by ASTM is over 12,000.
  • The codes and standards developed by ASTM apply to a wide range of materials, including metals, plastics, ceramics, glass, textiles, wood and many others. They also cover a wide range of industries, including construction, chemicals, plastics, aerospace, electrical, energy, environment and healthcare.
  • ASTM standards are widely used by companies, government agencies and research institutes around the world to ensure the quality, safety and reliability of products and materials.

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