Difference between reflex and transparent glass

Transparent glass DIN 7081

Transparent glasses have a smooth surface on both the medium and atmospheric sides. These glasses are mostly used in longitudinal sight glasses with open housings on both sides for mounting on containers or pipelines.

INFO Data sheet Reflex and transparent glass - differences and application:

INFO - Reflex and transparent glass – (1.01 MB)
Blurred liquid level in a sight glass fitting with transparent glass
Straight beam of light through a sightglass fitting with transparent glass

The smooth surface has the advantage that mica protection screens can be used for applications with particularly aggressive media. This is not possible with reflex sightglasses!

Reflex glass DIN 7081

A reflex sight glass is used to read the liquid level directly with the eyes or by means of a camera. On the medium side, grooves are pressed into the reflex sight glass, which make the level clearer and easier to read. They are mostly installed in closed fittings such as level indicators.

Clear liquid level in a sight glass fitting with reflective glass
Ray path of light through reflective glass compared with liquid or in air

The principle of reflex glass is based on the difference in the refractive indices of liquid and gas or water and steam. The liquid level shows a striking dark colour for the liquid space and a bright white colour for the empty or gas space.

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